Vendor Purchases to Payment (Procurement to pay cycle).

As your organization grows ,  the way you procure goods changes . So we are ready to handle all your procurement to pay needs be it your ‘Current needs’  or your ‘Future needs’ on your growth.  ‘Ais’  has multiple ways to ‘Record Invoices’ to suit organizations of any level.

  • Records Vendor Invoices ‘Directly’ or against ‘Vendor Agreement’ or by’ Purchase orders’.
  • Issues purchase orders to Vendors and upon receipt of goods , ‘Ais’ does matching and Ensure you got goods at the Price , specification and same taxes as per your purchase Orders.
  • Handles gate and issues Gate passes.
  • Handles ‘Stores’, Upon on good receipt not only you can do ‘Store Material receipt’ but also you can capture Your goods demographics like  Manufactured date , batch number , Barcode etc.
  • At store receipt , you can “Do quality test for your goods received and Capture Test results”, to ensure goods received are of Good quality.
  • Gives you reminder of Invoice ‘To be due’ soon.
  • Process vendor Invoice either ‘Singly’ or can process ‘Bulk Invoices at once’.
  • Automatic calculation of Exchange gain or Loss’ in case if you are Paying ‘Foreign currency’ Invoices.
  • Upon payment System sends Email of Payment advise to your Vendor , Intimating payment. This will improves your Goodwill with your vendor and help for better terms next time.
  • Comes with reports like Vendors aging report , Creditors ledger report , Purchase register etc

Refer below video to know more..