QuickBooks (SaaS Accounting software) Decided to Quit India Business.
As per https://quickbooks.intuit.com/in/ , Quick books (Intuit) has taken decision to ‘Discontinue’ its services India effective 30th , April 2023. So Quickbooks wont take any ‘New Sign-up’ from July 1st, 2022 onwards.
The Services to ‘Existing Quick Books India’ customers would be stopped Effective 30th, April , 2023. The discontinuation of service effects all subscriptions and services for QuickBooks Online, QuickBooks Online Accountant, the QuickBooks mobile app, and QuickBooks Time. As per online sources , this Discontinuation will effect approx 30,000 Customers In India.
Screenshot from Quickbooks Website , giving Discontinuation

What is Quickbook Version of Discontinuance ?
Quicbooks has taken ‘Business decision’ of Discontinuing and decided to stop service. Though there is no Specific/exact reason found on Quickbooks website for discontinuation but herewith Screenshot from Quickbooks Website.

Now What is Option for Customers ?
Quickbooks has given prior notice of its Business closing in India and has asked customers to ‘Download the data’ (Excel) and move on to any other Software provider. Customer should have Download ‘Their data’ on or before April 30th, 2023 and Move to a ‘Different accounting software Provider’

How to Download Quickbooks Data to Excel ?
As per Quickbooks website , herewith Steps to Download your data to “Excel”